jeudi 10 mars 2011

Back to Nantes

Ca y est! L'aventure est finie! Les élèves ont retrouvé leurs 'vraies' familles aujourd'hui à 14h! Fourbus mais avec des souvenirs plein les yeux, ils ont lié des contacts forts avec certains américains.
Et si finalement ce n'était que le début d'une nouvelle aventure ...?

PS: n'hésitez pas à visiter de temps en temps le blog. Les américains auront la possibilité de poster des messages.

mercredi 9 mars 2011

Retour pluvieux

Bonjour à tous et toutes,
Dernier message de Seattle où nous attendons dans le hall de l'aéroport avant de prendre notre avion pour Paris CdG! Nous passons passer l'enregistrement presque sans encombre. En effet, Pauline a dû se séparer, à contre cœur, d'un pot de beurre de cacahuètes 'made in USA' (sniff sniff).
Nous quittons Seattle, sous un ciel typique de la région qu'on appelle ici "liquid sunshine".
A bientôt en France.

mardi 8 mars 2011

Tuesday 8th March

Les élèves ont partagé leur dernière journée américaine avec leur correspondant au sein de l'école.
Nous en avons profité pour prendre quelques photos avec leur correspondant qui nous ont accueillis si gentiment.
Pierre-Louis et Laure sont absents ... trop impatients de rejoindre leur correspondant en cours!

Adrien & Conner

Conner : Le premier week-end, nous sommes allés a Crystal Mountain ( , le trajet a duré 1h30, pour faire du snowboard. La neige était très très très bonne! Nous avons pris le télécabine pour monter au sommet. Nous avons vu Hugo et sa correspondante Laura. Il a beaucoup neigé et il y a eu de fortes rafales de vent ensuite je suis tombé malade et j'ai manqué deux jours d'école.

Adrien : The second weekend I slept until eleven o'clock and had a very lazy morning. We had a very good brunch, with lots of French toast, bacon and fruit. In the afternoon we went to The Museum of Flight it was very interesting (we walked through the Concorde: it was very small. We also saw a blackbird: NASA's spy plane).

In the late afternoon we went to a downtown office building and went to the 43rd floor. We had great views of Seattle. We met all the French students and the host families at a bowling alley in Kirkland. I played three games (but Mr Colin was the best). It was Edgar's birthday and Ms Davis brought a cake for him. The party was very fun.!134&type=5&Bpub=SDX.Photos&Bsrc=Photomail&authkey=U6TxjQupfCg%24

lundi 7 mars 2011

University Monday 7th March by Caroline

Today we did loads of things. In the morning we had the first lesson with our correspondant, because we left school at 9:10.

We walked until a book shop situated near the university district, where we could buy souvenirs, there was a lot of Huskies stuff (a famous university sport team).

Afterwards we met a young woman (very pretty, for the biggest happiness of the French boys), Kendra Clawsom.

She was at Seattle Prep a couple of years ago, and now she's studying in the University, she wants to be a nurse later. She explained to us that, in this moment she does general studies, and she is a sophomore (so the second and last year) but after that she will do specialized, with subjects closer of her future job.
She made us visit some places in the university : the library, which is very silent, but the place where the students eat too, which is noisier.
These are three different librairies or study halls.

We walked between all the buildings and she explained to us all the cherry trees from the park are actually gifts from the Japanese after World War II.

So we learned a lot !
Moreover, Kendra lives in a house with other girl students, they are like a community. There are so may houses like that one in the U district, not mixed, students share their bedrooms, from 4 persons to 8 persons by room. We asked her about the price of the university, and Kendra said it's around 2300 $ for 3 months, and the same price to live in her house.

Then we said goodbye to our guide, and went in a park to have a picnic.

In the afternoon we visited the Burke Museum, where there was an exhibition about other cultures, former practices of some tribes ...

We wrote all notes on a questionnaire, so Madame Fletcher will check if we did good work (and of course we did.)
To finish we took the bus to the school, where everybody could find their correpondants and come back home.

dimanche 6 mars 2011

Aldric (vendredi)

Nous découvrons enfin les monorails de Seattle que nous voyons uniquement en photos et nous nous rendons directement au space needle.des les premières vues depuis le monorail nos pellicules d appareils sont toutes déjà mortes et ce n est que le début.......nous nous extasions face a la vue que nous offrait la baie vitrée, et des cameras tournantes qui nous permettaient de faire tout (particulièrement de suivre une voiture.....) apres le dejeuner nous nous rendons au fameux musee de la musique et de la science fiction ou nous nous rock'n roll face à un faux public, on enregistre des musiques pas toujours réussites à 100% mais qui valent la peine....... on y trouve aussi quelques rares pièces de la série GALACTICA tel des vaisseaux spatiaux et des tenues d'acteurs. Apres un enieme enregistrement, Guillaume se décide enfin à prendre un poster et c'est le retour au lycee...
(en français et avec 2 jours de retard)

Mona's weekend

On Saturday,Chelsea went horse back riding, and i got to help out at the barn.
After that we got to go shopping at Bellevue Square, we went to Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Nordstrom's Brass Plum. Later that night, the Runacres family and I went to The Palisade for dinner. The food was delicious, and in the restaurant there was a large fish pond with dark colored fish, sea anemone, and starfish.

On Sunday I went to Chelsea's sister Lilly's volleyball game. She played very well but her team did not win. Then we drove to the bowling party. The place where we went bowling was very close to Chelsea's horse barn, so I had been to the neighborhood before. Once we got home after bowling Chelsea's french friend Elena came over and we took her dog Spencer for a walk around the block.